Saturday, July 31, 2010

BioFuels in Chicagoland!!!

I just stumbled on this website while investigating biodiesel. is a group in Chicagoland committed to making people aware of the benefits and use of biofuels. There is a list of restaurants that donate their cooking oil to Chicago Biofuels to be processed into biodiesel. They also encourage other restaurants to sign up for donations. Poag Mahone's on S Wells is one of the restaurants that donates their used cooking oil.

There is also The Veggie Car Show in Chicago this September. This is the informational poster....go check it out if you can!

Biodiesel is the official website for the National Biodiesel Board. There you can get facts about biodiesel, the sustainability and health information, and emissions, performance, and usage information. The site also lists distributors and retailers of biodiesel all across the United States. There is two Chicago retailers of biodiesel, one of them being near the intersection of Randolph and Racine in the West Loop.
Gateway Auto
160 N Elizabeth St
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 312-733-6543
The website is full of valuable information on biodiesel. I recommend taking a look at it if your are interested in learning more. They also have links to other informational website.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Waterless Urinals

Waterless Company, Inc. is a company that manufactures their patented No-Flush urinals. The urinals do not use water or a flush valve.

At the base of the urinal is an EcoTrap that is designed to hold three ounces of BlueSeal. BlueSeal is a liquid that floats on top and forms a barrier between the urine and restroom atmosphere. The EcoTrap and BlueSeal traps odors or sewer vapors and also "pushes" the urine up towards the drain.

Waterless Co. is a member of the USGBC and their products can contribute to many LEED points. They do have some new urinals that are made from soybean based resin that cuts down on the greenhouse gas emissions during the manufacturing process. The EcoTraps are recyclable and the BlueSeal is biodegradable and organic.

The urinals are manufactured in Vista, CA, but they do have a representative in Illinois.

Riddle & Associates
2818 Centre Circle Drive
Downers Grove, IL 60515

Check out Waterless Company's website at:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Terra Green Ceramics

Terra Green Ceramics is a tile manufacturing company based out of Richmond, IN. They produce tile that is made of over 55% recycled content. All of their tiles have been tested by the SCS (Scientific Certification Systems) and contribute to LEED points for recycled content, regionally manufactured, and low-emitting flooring systems.
Terra Green Ceramics are for both residential and commercial applications. The tiles come in a variety colors, sizes, finishes, and trims. You can work with an architectural representative to customize your tiles. The companies website contains brochures for all the types of tiles, as well as, the physical properties of the tiles, materials safety data sheets, installation specifications, and maintenance and care.

Check out their website:

Architectural Sunshades

Architectural Grilles and Sunshades, Inc. is a manufacturing company located in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. AGS specializes in aluminum sunshades, sun control devices, grilles, and trellis systems. All aluminum sunshades are made from recycled aluminum and can also be 100% recycled after its lifespan.

The sunshades contribute to LEED points in the categories of Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, and Indoor Environmentail Air Quality. Since the manufacturing company is within the 500 mile radius of Chicago it can contribute to additional LEED points.

The website includes many images of the varities of sunshades, grilles and louvers. They can be vertical, horizontal, cantalievered, or suspended. Sunshades limit heat gain, therefore reducing HVAC usage, and prevent glare. AGS's website contains specification sheets for all products, CAD drawings, ordering information, and contributing LEED points.

Check out their website at: